ROFLMAO! You libs just got pwned by Slammin Sam Alito, the Notorious ACB, a Black guy who left your plantation for real freedom, Beer-me Brett, and the other two guys with the wooden hammer thingies! Are you gonna cry and scream at the sky? Good! America loves seeing your tears of impotent rage and hopelessness! Especially when you make that “REEEEEEEEE” sound! LOL!
True patriots celebrate America winning over you socialist queers. America won, you lost! How do you spell “Liberal”? It’s L-O-S-E-R! LOL! This is so awesome! Just grab your blankies and head for your cry closets or cosplay as that stupid show with the red capes on the steps of the Supreme Court! It doesn’t matter, you still lose! The lives of babies are really precious and Christians have a sacred duty to protect them. That means you’re wrong and justice has prevailed.
So don’t vote. Don’t pretend like this is going to change anything. Just embrace the loserdom gifted to you by the God you atheist cult members don’t believe in. Have no hope for the future at all! Let this weaken your resolve! Go watch TikTok and eat Cheez-Its instead of paying attention to politics. Life’s easier that way. Patriots thank you for shutting up and going away while they win at everything, always. But give them a good, loud scream at the sky first! LOL!