Mark and Patty McCloskey claimed that they were defending their home, but they were later charged with gun crimes.
“What you saw happen to us could just as easily happen to any of you who are watching from quiet neighborhoods around our country,” Patty McCloskey said.
“Not a single person in the out-of-control mob that was outside of our house was charged with a crime,” Mark McCloskey stated. (Fact check: there was no violence during the march McCloskeys refer to, and no one stepped on private property.) “But you know who was? We were.”
“They’ve actually charged us with felonies for daring to defend our home,” Mr. McCloskey said, while seriously looking into the camera. (Fact check: they were charged with one count each of felony unlawful use of a weapon for pointing the weapons at protestors.)
With his wife nodding emotingly at his side, Mr. McClosky said, “The Marxist liberal activist leading the mob to our neighborhood, stood outside our home with a blowhorn screaming, ‘You can’t stop the revolution!’ Just weeks later, that same Marxist activist won the Democrat nomination to hold a seat in the US House of Representative.”
It was then Mrs. McCloskey’s turn: “They’re not satisfied with spreading the chaos and violence into our communities. They want to abolish the suburbs altogether by ending single family home zoning. This forced rezoning would bring crime, lawlessness and low-quality apartments into now-thriving suburban neighborhoods.” (Fact check: First, localities determine zoning laws. Second, no one has made any such proposal on the federal level to end any such zoning.)