House Oversight Chairhick James Comer tells Substacker Matt Laslo that some of the witnesses lined up for future testimony at a hearing on the supposed government possession of alien technology failed their background checks and were deemed not credible enough after Comer evidently applied the sort of scrutiny to people claiming knowledge of Area 51-type conspiracy theories that he does not with those claiming knowledge of Hunter Biden conspiracy theories.
“It’s pretty amazing some of the background checks we’re getting back on some of these folks,” Comer told Laslo. “I know that we had to reshuffle the deck on a few witnesses because of some issues. An old trick in oversight is: whoever the minority witness is or whoever the majority is, first thing the other side does is background checks on ’em to see if they’ve ever been accused of being a racist or if they have a felony. 99.9 percent of the time, nothing comes back.”
Comer however still deems former Army intel officer David Grusch credible, as did the Intel Community Inspector General, and at some point probably within the next few months there’s likely to be at least one public hearing in which Grusch, who claims secondhand knowledge of alien tech in the government’s hands, and possibly other witnesses of similar caliber will testify. As we pledged to readers this week, we eagerly await ranking member Congressman Jamie Raskin’s annihilation of Grusch and other witnesses and will carry said annihilation with alacrity if and when it happens.