Stephen Kruiser: “I have been a political activist for most of my adult life, so I had a very pragmatic approach to dealing with losses for my side in presidential elections. If the Democrat won the presidency the only thing I could do was wake up the next day and begin working on that not happening four years later. Given the power of incumbency, that doesn’t always work out well, obviously. Still, it’s a proactive coping mechanism. Whiskey helps too.”
“BLM will run amok if the Democrats take over the Senate and White House in November. There will be no peace even if the preferred candidate of the unhinged Left wins. BLM is fueled by blood lust, not a desire for justice. A Biden-Harris presidency and a Schumer Senate will — to borrow a favorite word of the lefties — ‘normalize’ BLM. An even bigger worry is the fact that Joe Biden is, as has been noted by many, a Trojan Horse for the progressive commies to get into the White House.”