
Random thoughts Friday, Volume CLXXIV

  • So that whole “appearance of impropriety” thing is moot at this point, eh, Mr. Chief Justice?
  • Donald Trump claims, incredulously, that Joe Biden was trying to assassinate him during the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago, using an authority Donald Trump’s lawyers argue is a presidential power thanks to “absolute immunity.” 
  • The Dow jumped over 40,000 (and will stay back over the line soon) and NASDAQ hits a new high:  the Biden economic highlights are starting to make headlines, and that will attract voters.
  • You’re right, MAGAt:  Alito has a Constitutional right to fly that flag.  He does not, however, have a Constitutional right to be a judge.  It’s the second part that’s the problem. 
  • If Trump’s lawyers didn’t want Trump to seem corrupt in a criminal case, the choice of Mob-lite lawyer Robert Costello–and a dumb Mob-lite lawyer at that–is an odd choice.  
  • Do not overlook Biden’s outreach to Kenya.  It was more than just the state dinner; the US named Kenya as a key American ally, the highest status outside of NATO.  Biden has established a key America partnership in a continent where Russia and China have footholds.  It’s a key foreign relation move that flew under the radar.
  • In an interview on Tuesday, Trump said that he would have a “policy on abortion” very shortly, something that will be great, he says.  It’s not like he hasn’t had the opportunity to formulate one previously, is it?  I mean, it’s not like it’s an unexpected political issue, like if aliens made first contact or Trump accepted responsibility for something.
  • Nikki Haley endorsing Trump surprised no one, absolutely no one.  I was only surprised at how early it happened.  I thought she’d hold out for a key speaking slot at the convention.
  • Louisiana has the fifth highest maternal mortality rate in the nation, and goddamn it, the Republicans in the state will make sure it hits Number One.  
  • Should Byron Donalds be victorious in the GOP VP sweepstakes, Republicans could have a ticket featuring two convicted criminals.  Y’know, the people our kids should look up to.  
  • Rudy Giuliani got served 75 minutes after boasting online that he hadn’t been served yet:  classic.  He deserves every bit of humiliation he experiences.
  • Colleges paying athletes has the potential of being disastrous for less-popular sports:  if schools need to pay top football and women’s basketball players, that leaves less money for teams like field hockey, crew and softball.  Programs could be cut that benefit dozens to pay one.
  • Remember:  there’s no rule about lying to the media, but there is one about lying to the court.  That’s why Trump speaks outside the doors, not inside the courtroom.
  • Ironically, the anti-vaxxer RFK Jr. actually would have benefited from taking ivermectin.  
  • Robert Ritchie, a.k.a. Kid Rock, used the n-word in a Rolling Stone interview and people are shocked?  Why?  His entire celebrity personae is being an asshole.  
  • Neighbors watching Tiny Dog so small it fits through the fence.  He comes into our yard yipping away, and our big ol’ Doggo will go out and give him a “charge” for a step or two as if to say, “Do NOT make me come over there.”  And Tiny Dog quickly goes home.  Respect.
  • OMG, guys… RFK is Kid Fuckin’ Rock backwards.  This. Is. Amazing.  That can’t be a coincidence, can it?  Do you know what this must mean?  Do you???  It means abso-fucking-lutely nothing.
  • Cap’n Crunch–and specifically Crunch Berries–was my favored childhood cereal.  Sugar Smacks were a close second, though.  But the real treats were the -berry cereals:  Boo Berry, Franken Berry and Count Chocula.  And because they had “berry” in the name they were considered health food.
  • Memorial Day fare traditionally signals the start of summer, but for me, it’s the simple glee of seeing the first fireflies of the season.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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“Just amazing to me how desperate people are that they go to these kinds of lengths to try to destroy someone”

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