
When does the REAL House January 6th Select Committee start investigating the House January 6th Unselect Committee?

The House January 6th Unselect Committee was a sham, a complete fraud, a kangaroo court show trial worse than in leftist Third World Countries. It’s time for the new Republican House Majority to do what they promised to do and start their own REAL House January 6th Select Committee to investigate why, despite strong and powerful requests, the massive size of the crowd on January 6th and its meaning were never a subject of the Unselect Committee’s investigation.

The REAL January 6th Select Committee logo, which is the same as the Unselect Committee’s, but more patriotic.

And they need to investigate why Nancy Pelosi didn’t order Trump to order 10,000 Troops to protect the Capitol when she was warned that there might be Violence that day. There’s lots of huge questions the illegitimate Unselect Committee didn’t investigate. It was unconstitutional too because it wasn’t bipartisan. Everyone on it was out to get “Trump” and there was no one there to defend him. No Due Process or Cross-Examination. A rigged Unselect Committee of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution, so the new REAL Select Committee will include no socialist loser Democrats or RINOs.


Hawaii activates National Guard, allegedly in response to volcano

Hawaii Governor David Ige on Monday activated the state’s National Guard to assist in the response to the Mauna Loa volcano’s eruption on the Big Island as the lava pours towards a critical highway, or so says the official cover story according to a CNN report on the activation.

Sure, the state government says the lava flow threatens a crucial east-west highway on the southern coast of the island. They say the troops are there to “assist Hawaii County with traffic control and other roles in the Mauna Loa eruption.” They say the lava is hazardous. Okay. But why? Is this anything other than an all-too convenient pretext for troops loyal to a Democrat governor patrolling the streets? The word “control” is right there in the government’s official statement.

It’s about control. First, government scientists say the volcano is erupting – allowing for no alternative voices or second opinions on it. They diagnose the “problem” unilaterally. Next, they impose their own “cure,” unsurprisingly writing a prescription for more power for themselves, damn the crippling side effects being experienced by regular Hawaiians. Unelected “experts” in geology wielding power they did nothing to earn from voters is more destructive than any havoc a volcano could cause. Ask yourself if it’s really the lava that’s melting, and not individual freedoms.

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve given our MAGA readers something novel to complain about. We hope they enjoyed this Mauna Loa eruption news update.


Take that Libs! CrowdStrike shares fall 17 percent

Scream at the sky libtards! CNBC reports shares of leftist tech company CrowdStrike fell 17% in pre-market trading Wednesday on disappointing earnings results. “Go woke, go broke” has never been truer for investors in the company that covered up Hillary and the DNC’s 2016 server shenanigans.

It’s definitely karma for not letting Trump see the server that “the Russians” supposedly hacked and dumped a bunch of emails showing John Podesta liked “pizza.” Lots of people are saying CrowdStrike acid-washed those emails, it’s only fair that their stock price gets acid-washed too.

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve given our MAGA readers a vague feeling of cosmic vindication of their grievances. We hope they enjoyed this business news update.


Biden uses turkey pardon ceremony to mock election integrity

President Joe Biden on Monday used the sacred American tradition of the annual White House Turkey Pardon Ceremony to mock the concerns of real citizens who have lost faith in the election system. “The votes are in… there’s no ballot stuffing, there’s no fowl play – the only ‘red wave’ this season is going to be a German Shepherd, Commander, that knocks over the cranberry sauce on our table,” said Biden, making corny jokes at the expense of Republican voters who paid $30 to watch “2000 Mules,” which is no laughing matter. These people feel like their country is being stolen from them by absentee ballots and dumb Thanksgiving puns are offensive and insulting. Biden might as well be saying “Fuck your feelings” to the 74 million who cast a ballot for America First in 2020.

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve feigned sympathy for our right wing readers’ bottomless feelings of victimhood. They ought to be very thankful for this.


Russians abandon part of Russia to Ukrainian invaders

The military of the Russian Federation has abandoned part of their own country’s sovereign territory, exiting the key city of Kherson, Russia and ceding it to Ukrainian invaders, CNN reports.

Anti-Russian hate symbol.

Thousands of Russian civilians poured into the streets to greet the conquerers, brainwashed celebrating being subjugated by the hostile imperialists sent by autocratic dictator Volodymyr Zelensky. Even more disconcerting was the lack of reaction from previously outspoken Western advocates for Russian sovereignty such as Tucker Carlson, Tulsi Gabbard, and Glenn Greenwald who have yet to say anything about the violent assault on a city that has been an integral part of Russia since 2022. “The Ukrainian flag is raised in Kherson city. From now on, the Ukrainian flag will appear on all buildings in Kherson. This is what we have dreamed of from the first days of occupation,” said pro-Ukrainian collaborator Serhiy Khlan, a pro-Nazi, pro-bioweapon labs, pro-globalist traitor to Russia, a land of freedom and opportunity that cherishes Christian values and rejects wokeness.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’re done being “balanced” for our MAGA readers. We hope they enjoyed this completely insincere sympathy for their Russian pals.


Case Closed: Libs are responsible for attack on Paul Pelosi

Paul Pelosi in happier times

Case closed libs: You’re responsible for this brutal attack on Paul Pelosi. It was your hateful words and divisiveness that caused this to happen. When Nancy Pelosi said she wanted to punch President Trump just for telling his supporters to peacefully and non-violently go to the Capitol to protest the 2020 election (which was marked with a lot of irregularities) she sent a signal that violence is okay to settle political differences. She might as well have swung the hammer that smashed in her husband’s skull herself when she said those horrible words about the President.

Crime in San Francisco is out of control too libs. It’s the “anything goes” culture of drug use and drag queen story hours that made this person attack Paul Pelosi. And stop, just stop, trying to tell us he was a “QAnon pilled MAGA freak.” It doesn’t matter what he believes in. For all we know he’s just a false flag plant and/or Soros created the social media history showing him to be a Trump supporter. It just doesn’t add up. Trump supporters never act like this. They’re peaceful people who feel like their country is being taken away from them by liberal elitists like Nancy and Paul Pelosi. If the left-biased mainstream media would just tone down the rhetoric then he might have not felt like he had to take enforcing the Constitution into his own hands against corrupt Democrats.

The bottom line is that if Brett Kavanaugh isn’t safe to eat dinner in a fancy steakhouse without being harassed by leftist protestors then Paul Pelosi shouldn’t be safe in his home in the middle of the night from being attacked by a not-politically motivated guy with a hammer. Fair is fair, libs.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve thrown our right wing readers a bone after DePape turned out to be MAGA. We hope they enjoyed this “Case Closed” article.


The bad guys are going to win, mainstream media reports

Consumers feeling the squeeze of inflation, high gas prices, wokeness, and squeezing are going to vote Republican to feel less squeezed and there’s nothing you can do about it, the mainstream media reports. There is no hope for Democrats to hold on to the House, the Senate, over a dozen state governorships, offices, and legislatures. Polls show somewhere between a 100% and a 100% lead for Republicans in every single race. The summer surge of hope that Dems felt was just a mirage. “QAnon defeats libs, lol,” said Axios’s Josh Kraushaar as he fondled himself and drooled.

Lee Zeldin is going to be governor of New York because of crime. Democrats are soft on crime. That’s why they’re going to lose, they never took crime seriously enough. And the fundraising too, they never raised enough money for these swing seats and to protect these safe blue seats and then there’s not enough messaging either. Independent voters aren’t getting the message. Messaging is really important on kitchen tables. Kitchen table politics are a big deal, even though “kitchen table” is just a metaphor for personal finance and household expenses.


Happy Columbus Day, Libs!

Happy Columbus Day Libs! You got owned by having a federal holiday off! It’s offensive to you to acknowledge Columbus Day because of the racial baggage of colonialism and the fact that Christopher Columbus was, by modern standards, a complete asshole. Even though the vast majority of Democrat voters don’t really think too hard about such things, MAGAmericans still stick it to you by reminding you of his legacy which they’re proud of for some reason. Columbus was a hero to them because a vocal minority of leftists want him erased completely the same as a much larger section have more successfully driven an erasure of Robert E Lee and other Confederates.


See libs, you have to be offended by Columbus Day. It’s the rules. You have to get really angry and demand that he be canceled. You have to be as frustrated and enraged as lots of MAGA voters are by Martin Luther King Jr Day and Juneteenth. Those are racist toward white people. And Pride Month is anti-heterosexual. And Labor Day is too pro-union. There’s no alternative viewpoint.

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve given our right wing readers their marching orders on how to promote Columbus Day to the libs. We hope they found this informative.


Hunter Biden likely next victim of leftist FBI witch hunt: report

The Democrat secret police force at the FBI think they have a strong case against Hunter Biden on gun and tax charges, the Washington Post reports. Should federal prosecutors in Delaware move forward with charging the widely respected attorney and businessman, Hunter Biden would become just the latest victim of Merrick Garland’s campaign of state-sponsored terror against anyone who threatens the Biden Administration’s destructive quest for absolute power. The FBI stormtroopers know their case is solid because they planted the evidence themselves. It was just a gun storage issue and his taxes are under audit. These are just process crimes. They’re not crime crimes.

It’s undeniable that Hunter Biden stands in the way of Joe Biden’s reelection chances. There’s simply no way Joe didn’t order his enforcer Merrick Garland to take him out. There needs to be a special prosecutor and special master appointed to uncover this horrific abuse of power.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve preemptively annoyed the absolute shit out of our MAGA readers with this nonsense. We enjoyed writing this way too much.


Consumer confidence rigged in September

The Consumer Confidence index, a measure that Republicans use to get swing voters to correctly trust them on the economy, was rigged by the Biden Administration in September in order to deprive right wing politicians and influencers of a key talking point, ABC News reports.

Rising from 103.6 in August to 108 in September, a number increase evident to the vast majority of MAGA pundits who know that seems fake even if they otherwise don’t really know what it represents, they nevertheless will be able to say something like “CONman Biden really puts the CON in CONsumer CONfidence. These numbers are a total CON-job!” Jim Jordan or Charlie Kirk or Marjorie Taylor Greene will write on Twitter to show their fans how rigged the whole thing is. Even if it’s not true, no lib can prove otherwise, and therefore they will be massively owned. MAGA!

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve rubbed some salt in a small wound on the diseased hides of our right wing readers. We hoped they enjoyed this nonsense.


Can anyone prove Biden isn’t somehow manipulating gas prices?

Three months ago gas prices were sky high, the highest they’ve even been, causing great hardship for patriots who drive large American SUVs and pickups and keep them running so the AC stays on while the truck’s parked diagonally across three handicapped spaces in front of Walmart. From Sheetz to Wawa to Circle K to Turkey Hill to Buc-ee’s to Kum and Go to Flying J to Cumberland Farms, thousands of filling stations across MAGAmerica were proudly sporting an “I DID THAT!” next to the sale amount display screen because Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada and did some other liberal green new deal shit that made gas prices a lot higher than they were when Trump’s policies and leadership made them extremely low in April 2020.

Now gas prices have been dropping for 89 days in a row! Like the above meme from some patriot on Truth Social implies, Biden and the democrats are doing something to make gas prices lower. We don’t know what it is, but it’s 100% politically motivated. It’s basically election interference, because Republicans have been campaigning on high gas prices. The lower costs go, the less motivated those stupid sheeple Independentard voters will be to show up and help the Red Wave swamp the Biden Regime! This is fucking serious people! The national average could be under $3 a gallon in November! Someone needs to do something immediately before it’s too late!


Recap of Biden speech for MAGAmericans who didn’t watch it

Are you a Trump voter who didn’t watch Biden’s Thursday night speech but still have strong opinions about it? Want some talking points and material to get an edge when arguing with libtards about how it was the most terrifying speech ever? Great, because National Zero is here to help!

President Biden opened by dancing awkwardly to “YMCA” as the crowd sang along. It was kind of stupid and weird that he would dance to an anthem about casual gay sex, but the libs in the audience loved it. Biden then said he’ll pardon any Antifa rioter who wants to attack the Supreme Court or Fox News headquarters because they’re patriots fighting against injustice and oppression.

Turning to the upcoming Midterms, Biden said he’s done more in two years than any other president in history with 97% approval among Democrats. He’s the most popular Democrat President since FDR. “A lot of people don’t know FDR was a Democrat,” said Biden, before going into details about he’s ordering FEMA and the FBI to observe voting in rural areas of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and other states where Republicans might be tempted to cheat. “They’re going to be checking vaccination cards and if they don’t have them or if they’re fake then the shooting starts,” said Biden, adding “Sorry, should’ve voted by mail if you’re not vaccinated.”


GATEGATE: The plot to rig Villages vote against Loomer revealed

??? NATIONAL ZERO EXCLUSIVE – THEY WERE CAUGHT ??? EXPLOSIVE new revelations in a Monday story about SEVENTEEN different gates being removed on Monday so non-Villages resident voters would be able to access polling locations reveals a RINO FRAUD against Laura Loomer! SHE DIDN’T LOSE IT WAS STOLEN! The Villages management KNEW non-residents would vote against Loomer because she speaks the TRUTH about the RINOS like woke loser DAN WEBSTER! They sent their MULES to remove the gates and lower the quality of the GOP primary voters! People who don’t pay as much attention to the real issues were allowed in to vote!

It’s the crime of the century! It’s GATEGATE! They hate Jews! Loomer is Jewish so the Villages management is ANTI-SEMITIC! They made it easy to vote and easier to cheat! FUCK!

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve tossed some red meat to our right wing readers. We hope they enjoyed this Gateway Pundit-style article.


Was the Mar-a-Lago raid a distraction from the Democrat former Kentucky Justice Cabinet secretary’s arrest on rape charges?

Questions are being raised over whether Merrick Garland’s order to raid Mar-a-Lago was a distraction meant to overshadow media coverage of Democrat former Kentucky state lawmaker and Justice Cabinet secretary John Tilley’s arrest on rape charges as the timing seems awfully suspicious to certain conservative commenters. Obviously every political actor knows how to “flood the zone” and divert media attention from damaging stories, and what better for Attorney General Merrick Garland to crowd out a serious allegation against a fellow Democrat than to send the FBI to conduct a raid on the home of the Republican former President of the United States?

And the Mar-a-Lago raid story is probably the biggest news story since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine – which Biden started to distract from the allegations that Hillary Clinton spied on President Trump in the White House – so it’s pretty obvious that Garland was pulling some strings here.

Even if Tilley was appointed by Republican former Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin in 2015 and for whatever reason didn’t stay on with Dem Governor Andy Beshear, which kind of calls into question whether or not Tilley is even a Dem at all, it still makes Biden, Harris, Pelosi, etc look bad that there’s a rapist in the party. So Garland probably did order the raid as a distraction. Case closed.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve thrown our right wing readers a bone after the awful day they had. We hope they enjoyed this “Just asking questions” article.


Release the warrant, great President Trump!

True President Trump, Americans watched with tears in their eyes as your beautiful, sacred home was defiled by the evil, Satanic corruption that Dark Brandon with his glowing red laser eyes wrought upon our once great nation. Our suburbs are under occupation by Antifa, our cities are overrun with groomers, our rural countrysides threatened by Bill Gates buying property. Top 40 radio plays songs by Black, Latino, and homosexual artists. Disney, Star Wars, and Marvel movies have no Jesus in them. America was wonderful before the 2020 election was stolen from you by the mules and Italian satellites. Old Crow Mitch McConnell and his gay sidekick Lindsey did nothing to stop this. They even “work with” Dark Brandon on “bipartisan” socialist legislation sometimes.

But there’s one thing you can do to owns the libtards and the RINOs by exposing DOJ corruption under the Jewish junta of Merrick Garland and leftist scumbag Chris Wray: Release the warrant for their illegal, unconstitutional search of Mar-a-Lago. You have it. You can show it to the world. Take a photo of the paper the FBI imperial stormtroopers left after the search. You can blow up the Department of Injustice in one fell swoop. The Supreme Court will rule 9-0 that you’re the legitimate president and order Dark Brandon, Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, AOC, Tom Hanks, and all the other traitors to be immediately hanged on the National Mall without trial. The American people will celebrate. Please post a photo of the warrant and post it on Truth Social immediately.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’re done sandbagging our right wing readers with this impossible situation couched in lame fan fiction. We hope they enjoyed it.


What did Ayman Al-Zawahri have on Hillary?

The death of Al-Qaeda leader Ayman Al-Zawahari in a CIA drone strike on his home in Kabul, Afghanistan is a major victory in the global war on terrorism, proving once again that those bastards cannot hide forever. However some questions remain, and the most important among them is what Zawahiri had on Hillary Clinton? Now of course the Democrats will act like it was Joe Biden who ordered the strike and celebrate the political benefits, but everyone who does their own research knows he had nothing to do with it. Hillary still runs the Deep State and her fingerprints are all over this hit. She may have even pressed the button herself while sitting in her secret high tech bunker under Chappaqua, New York at her specially built Alienware gaming PC hooked up to the CIA’s drone platform. “Pew! Pew! Game over motherfucker!” she likely said with a shrill cackle while emptying out a bottle of Chardonnay into her novelty oversize plastic wine glass.

But why? What kind of dirt would Al-Zawahiri have had on Hillary Clinton? Was he somehow involved in the Whitewater and Benghazi scandals? Did he sell out his boss Osama bin Laden to her back in 2011 in exchange for access to the Clinton Global Initiative and Bill Gates’s secret 5G mind control technology? What was Dominion Voting Systems’ involvement in the attack? Did Al-Zawahiri know too much about the Hammer and Scorecard protocol? Was he about to testify to John Durham and blow the whole lid open on how Hillary spied on President Trump?

We have Hillary’s means and method right in front of us, those are beyond any serious dispute even if some of the finer details are still unknown. The sentence “Hillary Clinton ordered the drone strike that killed Ayman Al-Zawahiri because ________” still needs its blank filled in.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’re done throwing some Hillary conspiracy meat to our right wing readers. We hope they enjoyed this in-depth “Arkancide” article.


BREAKING: AOC and Ilhan Omar arrested!

Far left socialist Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Ilhan Omar have been arrested in Washington DC! Yes! They’re facing justice for their crimes finally! No more two-tiered system! They, along with a bunch of other liberal members of Congress have been cuffed! Oh my God, what if it’s treason?!? Can you imagine? This headline is so exciting for America First Conservatives!

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’re done cruelly misleading our MAGA readers with that clickbait. AOC and Omar were actually arrested at an abortion protest outside of the Supreme Court on Tuesday, they’ll probably have to pay a fine or something.


Former prosecutor, NYC mayor honored with promo code

Widely respected former federal prosecutor and New York City Mayor Rudolph W Giuliani on Friday shared the news he’s been honored by a trusted bedding retailer with a promotional discount code in his name that could be redeemed for savings on “Percale” Bed Sheets. The former mayor did not elaborate on the promotion, probably owing to his well-earned reputation for humility and integrity, simply tweeting the picture of the bedsheets. It’s extremely unlikely that Giuliani is receiving any sort of compensation for the promotional code as he is a wealthy and successful man who does not face any civil or criminal liabilities. The same goes for the bedding retailer’s founder, Michael Lindell, a very successful businessman. Neither of the two men are desperate for money at all.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’re done pretending for our right wing readers. We hope they enjoyed this “Virtually every word is a lie by omission” article.


That wasn’t a big deal libs

Whatever. So what. Hutchinson was just saying what the Democrats and RINO Cheney wanted to hear. She’s trying to become famous. Nobody knows who she is. She’s a nobody making herself sound way more important than she actually was. Antifa intimidated her into testifying against Meadows and Trump. She made that story up about the ketchup and the dish being smashed.

It’s not illegal to throw ketchup at the wall anyway. It’s not a crime. So what. That was hearsay. The president has every right to grab the wheel when Secret Service aren’t obeying his commands. Read Article II libs. It was just lies to make your TDS go into overdrive. She’s trolling you libs. And what about Ray Epps? When is the unselect committee going going to investigate him and the FBI?

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’re done throwing some red meat to our right wing readers. We hope they enjoyed this “So what? Shut up libs” article.


Hillary for Prison 2022!!!

Hillary Clinton spied on President Trump! Remember that? She and Obama tapped the wires in the Trump Tower, the Trump 2016 campaign headquarters, and even the White House. A few months ago Special Prosecutor John Durham, who’s going to take down the entire Democrat-led Deep State said she spied on Trump, so she should be indicted soon for that. And the uranium scandal. It was massive crime. She sold all of our uranium to Russia and personally profited from it. That was treason. She also colluded with Putin to undermine Trump’s presidency with the phony “Dossier”.

This is basically what’s happening now.

She’s going to prison. Any day now. All the corruption and evil Hillary has been involved with is, it’s like the biggest crime spree in American history. John Durham is a machine. He’s unstoppable. He’s going to take her down. Hard. Like capital punishment, purposely botched lethal injection hard. She spied on President Trump. Spying is treason. Treason is punishable by death. Hillary Clinton is so goddamned fucking screwed it’s not even funny. She’s doomed. Terminated. Done.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’re done throwing some red meat to our right wing readers. We hope they enjoyed this in-depth Hillary Clinton crime article.

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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