
Oh yeah libs? Well CNN just FIRED DON LEMON!

Hahaha! While you libs were celebrating Tucker Carlson leaving Fox News, REAL PATRIOTS scored a victory too as CNN HAS FIRED DON LEMON! Take that you socialist scumbags! Don Lemon was way more important to leftists than Tucker was to Christian freedom lovers! SUCK IT LIBS! MAGA!

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve helped our MAGA readers feel like the score’s been somehow evened. Everyone please pretend like Don Lemon was important.


Just wait libs, CNN and MSNBC are going to end up paying way more than $787 million to Trump and Russia for their “collusion” lies

Sure libs, celebrate your big “win” over Fox News having to pay out $787 million to Soros-backed Dominion Voting Systems. Cheers with your trans Bud Light bottles and organic klombucha or whatever the hell that fruity new age bullshit is. You have no idea what kind of can of worms this just opened on your fake news propaganda outlets CNN and MSNBC over their years of lies about President Trump and Russia after the 2016 election. Dominion may have avoided having to share their vote-stealing software’s secret code in court, but the leftist hate networks won’t be so lucky when Trump and the Russian Federation file a multi-billion dollar defamation lawsuit in two weeks.

All of their lies will be exposed in front of an unbiased jury with no liberals on it, since the case will be brought in Arkansas or West Virginia and not in some urban shithole court system. Sorry libs, no Hillary or AOC donors will be allowed to decide this case. Only Trump voters will be selected since they’re the only Americans who can be trusted to hear the overwhelming evidence fairly. But the judge will probably just rule against CNN and MSNBC before the trial even starts because they reported made-up garbage stories like Paul Manafort and highly respected General Michael Flynn having secret meetings with Russians. Both were exonerated when President Trump justly pardoned them. Russian President Vladimir Putin has a very strong claim against them even beyond the 2016 election, since CNN and MSNBC have falsely reported that he sent troops to attack innocent people in Ukraine when he was really defending his country from their Fauci-funded Nazi bioweapons labs.

Just wait until Rachel Maddow has to take the stand and explain why she made up that story about Donald Trump Jr, a highly respected businessman, meeting with Russian agents to collude in the 2016 election. He said it was about adoptions! And collusion isn’t a crime anyway, so it’s clear that CNN and MSDNC are in big fucking trouble for defaming Trump and Russia. They’re going to have to pay billions and billions of dollars for their lies, way more than Fox News did for just having a different opinion than the mainstream media narrative about Dominion. Just wait libs, it’s coming.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve offered our right wing readers a different perspective on the Fox News settlement. We hope they enjoyed this fantasy.


Sorry, libtards! Trump’s plane didn’t crash!

Hah! Take that libs! The true President of the United States’s plane was fueled, maintained, and piloted sufficiently to take him from Florida to New York City so he can face indictment for having sex with a pornstar and paying her to keep quiet! He and his sycophants didn’t plunge into the icy waters of the Atlantic or over farmland in North Carolina or somewhere else in between after a sudden and catastrophic in-flight cabin depressurization causing the aircraft to break up! Score one for America and the rule of law that Trump didn’t plunge 35,000 feet from the sky, spending his last moments screaming in absolute terror! Go hide in your cry closets losers! LMAO!

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve updated our MAGA readers on just how badly the libs got owned. We hope they enjoyed this total capitulation to America First.


Biden and Buttigieg derail another freight train in rural Minnesota

President Biden and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg derailed another freight train in rural Kandiyohi County, Minnesota on Thursday, this one sparking a raging ethanol fire and prompting evacuations at 1:00 AM for locals who voted for Trump 2-to-1 in 2020, CNN reports.

It’s just the latest in a string of mostly rail-based industrial “accidents” being weaponized in Biden and Buttigieg’s genocidal race war against rural white conservatives. And even if stuff like this happened all the time before Biden took office and Buttigieg was confirmed as Secretary of Transportation in 2021, that it just feels like it’s happening more is evidence enough to conclude this is a systematic campaign to wipe out MAGAmerica. Still, being right about this is cold comfort to the Christian families getting woke up in the middle of the night to evacuate from toxic fumes. It’ll take a visit and free McDonald’s food from former President Trump to bring true justice here.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve alerted our right wing readers to yet another train-based mini-9/11 against them. We hope they’re now extra angry this morning.


CIA Agent Epps threatens Fox News, Tucker with defamation suit

A lawyer for CIA Agent Ray Epps on Thursday sent a letter to Fox News demanding a retraction and “formal on-air apology” from patriotic host Tucker Carlson for exposing his client’s Jew-sponsored and Trilateral Commission-approved secret January 2021 mission to instigate the Capitol riot in order to make President Trump and his supporters look bad, the New York Times reports.

“The fanciful notions that Mr. Carlson advances on his show regarding Mr Epps’s involvement in the January 6 insurrection are demonstrably (and already proven to be) false,” wrote Epps’s lawyer Michael Teter, a secret clone of future time traveler John Titor who is also silencing the truth about the Reptilian plot to steal the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election from patriot Kari Lake. “And yet Mr Carlson persists with his assault on the truth,” Michael Teter Titor added in the letter.

The Times notes that such letters often precede defamation suits from Deep State actors like the super-advanced Venezuelan AI that secretly controls all the voting machines in the United States which seeks $1.6 billion in damages from Fox News for its shell company Dominion Voting Systems.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve reported the REAL truth about Ray Epps and his involvement in the Trilateral Commission’s secret January 6th coup plot.


Biden and Buttigieg derail two more freight trains

President Joe Biden and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg derailed two more freight trains this week, one filled with corn syrup in Mohave County, Arizona on Wednesday and another filled with some other stuff that isn’t chemically hazardous either in Glendale, Kentucky on Thursday.

Both derailments occurred in heavily pro-Trump counties, but the lack of a toxic spill calls into question exactly what Biden and Buttigieg’s plans are here. Are they so incompetent that they screwed up at genocide and forgot to make sure the trains they derailed were carrying hazardous chemicals that would wipe out the conservative rural white populations of these areas? Probably.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve sandbagged our right wing readers with having to explain a plot hole in their narrative. We hope they can figure this one out.


See libs? Ron DeSantis can be funny!

Did you watch that libs?!? Ron DeSantis can be funny! You and your fascist leftist media keep calling him things like a joyless little gremlin who never looks like he’s having fun doing this while Real Americans can laugh at this hilarious joke about COVID being a “woke virus!” Even you libs can admit that was pretty funny how he pointed out that incongruity between BLM protests and pro-Freedom anti-lockdown protests in 2020 and then added a clever punchline to it. All of his supporters in the crowd laughed at it, so maybe you need your funny bone checked if you can’t chuckle too, libs.

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve devoted space to showcasing for our MAGA readers the lighter side of Florida Gov Ron DeSantis. We hope they enjoyed this report.


LOL! 2023 Oscars ratings were the THIRD-LOWEST EVER!

Scream at the sky libs! LMAO! The Guardian reports that the Hollywood leftist propaganda fest Oscars had the third lowest ratings in its history! ROFL! Doesn’t that make you really upset and triggered, like you had some sort of emotional investment in the measurable popularity of the American film industry’s biggest awards show? You should be curled up in your cry closets that the third fewest percentage of Americans watched the woke cause-filled acceptance speeches! LOL!

It’s okay if you want to stop bottling up all the sadness you’re experiencing right now libs. Real Americans despise the hateful racist “diversity” Hollywood forces on us, so it’s important that you acknowledge this stinging defeat for your side. Really libs, it’s part of the grieving process to be open about it, which validates patriots’ accomplishment here. Without it the America First side of the web just becomes this insular circlejerk in which Digital Soldiers celebrate imaginary culture war victories in which they personally had no effect upon. And then they wouldn’t feel as affirmed in their identification with the MAGA movement. LOL! So stop pretending you don’t care about the low Oscars broadcast ratings and start embracing the massive butthurt, you pussyhat libtards! LMAO!

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve admitted how badly we got owned by these low Oscars ratings. We hope our MAGA readers enjoyed this surrender to their reality.


Biden’s woke policies caused a woke bank to fail

See libs? You didn’t listen to “Go woke, go broke” even though the warning signs were all there. That Buzz Lightyear movie had lesbians in it and it didn’t do so great at the box office. And that gay movie Bros didn’t do well either. And that one book by liberal journalist Jemelle Hill sold poorly too. Fox News has a whole list of woke stuff that went broke in 2022. There are like one or two more examples than the ones we just listed above. It proves that wokonomics is bad for business.

But there’s no bigger example than what just happened to Silicon Valley Bank last week. They were so woke because they invested in that ESG and DEI commie bullshit that the Biden Administration has been forcing on Americans who see right through this charade. Woke just doesn’t work and a smart right wing businessman like Peter Thiel knew it. That’s why he pulled all of his deposits probably while shorting SVB’s stock. How dare you libs point out that Thiel is a homosexual and almost literal vampire on top of being a capitalist vampire? He’s been an important donor to America First candidates for years and you don’t get to blame him for destroying SBF.


Reese’s gone woke too

This has to be the final straw for millions of patriotic Americans sick of the woke bullshit taking away their favorite brands. Shut up libs, it doesn’t matter if regular Reese’s are still available at every store. This is just the first step toward the day when the company announces all their peanut butter cups have been replaced by these socialist lab-grown frankenfood abominations.

Feels like nothing is safe from libs anymore. They ruined M&Ms, Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben’s, Dr Seuss and Roald Dahl books, Sesame Street, LEGOs, Mr Potato Head, being able to say the N-word without consequences, and now goddamned Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! Voting for Trump is the only way to react to this even though it will actually do nothing to prevent private entities from making product, marketing, and HR decisions that MAGA voters perceive as existential threats.

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve poked the amygdalae of our MAGA readers gently with this elucidation of their ongoing misery. We hope they enjoyed this article.


Crossing gates are for snowflakes

See libs? We told you railroad crossing gates are for snowflake losers. Just look at what these two British moped riders were able to do last month with just a little extra gas. They got home safely without getting obliterated by a thousand ton commuter train going 70 miles per hour without having to stop and wait like some woketard. This actually proves that crossing gates don’t work and aren’t necessary anymore. It’s okay to ignore them. They’re probably unconstitutional anyway since trains weren’t even invented yet when the founding fathers wrote all the rules for America.

This video proves there’s no real reason to have those stupid things slowing down traffic and causing people to waste gas while waiting for a train to pass by. So just grow up already libs.

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve sowed the seeds of a new outrage for the fanboys fused with a kick ass video of a dangerous stunt. Everyone should enjoy this one.


Pete Buttigieg should resign now that the Greek transport minister did following a deadly train crash that killed at least 36 people

US Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg should resign now that Greek Transport Minister Kostas Karamanlis did following early Wednesday’s deadly head-on collision in the country’s Vale of Tempe region which killed at least 36 people. Why? Because two completely different rail accidents happened and one country’s top transportation official resigned afterward and the other one – Pete Buttigieg – didn’t. That’s why. There’s no reason patriotic Americans should have to stand a gay Ivy Leaguer remaining on the job after a freight train derailed on its own in eastern Ohio, killing 0 people, if the other guy quits after a grisly head-on collision killed dozens of passengers.

Buttigieg should’ve resigned after he cited factual evidence that the overpasses on early 20th century highways on Long Island were designed specifically to prevent buses full of inner-city minority children from visiting state parks. That was wrong enough of him and now he extra needs to resign because the Greek Transport Minister did immediately after a different rail accident in his country. There’s no reason the deaths of at least 36 innocent people shouldn’t be used as a serious argument to call on Buttigieg to quit – on top of his wokeism. It’d be political malpractice not to do it.

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve done our MAGA readers a favor and written their talking points for them. We expect sincere gratitude for the effort.


Trump is smart to attack Biden for not repealing Trump policies that likely contributed to the toxic train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio

School is in session libs. Watch how the 12D chessmaster does it right here below, live from East Palestine, Ohio, as brilliant former President Trump rallies his many fans in the area to blast the Biden Administration for not repealing the Trump Administration’s policies which could be credibly cited as a contributing factor to the weeks-long toxic disaster that has befallen the town.

It’s like Trump and Coco Chow set a trap by withdrawing an Obama-era proposal to require faster brakes on trains carrying hazardous materials, killed off regular safety audits of railroads, squashed a pending rule requiring all freight trains to have at least two crew members, among other deregulatory decisions that Sleepy Joe and Woke Mayor Pete walked right into by not reversing those Trump moves before disaster struck. Now the libs and the media are chasing their socialist tails, acting like this is new while not even mentioning that multiple similar – if maybe smaller in scaletrain wrecks that caused spills of hazardous chemicals occurred while Trump was in office.


Kari Lake loses rigged appeal of election lawsuit

A rigged panel of pro-Dominion Voting Systems judges on Thursday rejected Republican legitimate Governor of Arizona Kari Lake’s appeal of the rigged rejection of her lawsuit contesting the outcome of the rigged gubernatorial election which she won but was stolen because it was rigged.

“Kari Lake appeals the [rigged] Maricopa County [socialist] Superior Court’s [fraudulent] ruling [improperly] rejecting her [totally legitimate, totally perfect] request to set aside [libtard] Katie Hobbs’s 17,117 [fake] vote win [actually lost] in Arizona’s 2022 [stolen] gubernatorial election. Lake’s [patriotic, America First] arguments highlight [rigged] election day difficulties, but her [irrefutable] request for relief fails because the [overwhelming] evidence presented to the [woke leftist] superior court ultimately supports the court’s conclusion that [Chinese Communist] voters were able to cast their [bamboo] ballots, that votes were counted correctly [the algorithms], and that no other basis [based] justifies setting aside the [third world] election results. Accordingly, we affirm,” the rigged three judge appeals court panel wrote in the opinion, which we annotated to make more patriotic.

Also, what’s with the “17,117 vote win”? Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet! Soros probably left a coded “fuck you” to patriots in that rigged number! It just shows how biased these so-called “judges” are that they can’t see the obvious symbolism in the evidence right in front of them!

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve feigned sympathy for the ceaseless rage and paranoia burdening our MAGA readers. We hope they enjoyed this “rigged” news report.


Libs need to stop their hateful anti-LGBT rhetoric

Enough is enough libs. Americans are sick and tired of your disgusting, hateful, homophobic rhetoric demeaning proud LGBT people like George Santos and Matt Schlapp. It’s also extremely hypocritical. You act like you’re in favor of gay rights and then in the next breath trade the latest gossip about a sitting member of Congress and turn him into this ugly cartoon stereotype of a histrionic drama queen who makes stuff up just to get attention and steals from charity. The people elected him! He deserves respect as a human being who almost definitely regrets dressing in drag in Brazil 15 years ago. There’s zero chance he still does it because drag is morally wrong. It’s an affront to traditional values and no self-respecting Republican would ever be caught doing it again.

Then there’s Matt Schlapp! Good God you libs are acted even worse toward him. The double standard is just sickening. You say “Every love is beautiful” on your rainbow flags but when it’s a leading conservative like Schlapp you suddenly turn into the Westboro Baptist church. So what if Schlapp finds a man attractive and wants to have sexual relations with him? There’s nothing wrong with that! That you libs demonize Matt Schlapp for expressing his true self is nauseating. How dare you socialist slimebags talk about him the way you have these last few weeks?

The hatred for Santos and Schlapp is shocking but not at all surprising given how you homophobic libs have acted toward other gay Republicans like Lindsey Graham, Jim Jordan, and Steve Daines in the past. Expecting you sick fascists to suddenly start acting like decent people is a fool’s errand.

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve distilled a lot of MAGA angst into this disingenuous screed for our right wing readers. We hope they enjoyed this obnoxious sandbagging.


Thai patriot gets 28 years for negative posts about king

A Thai court on Thursday sentenced 27 year-old Thailand First patriot Mongkhon Thirakot to 28 years in prison for criticizing the woke, DirecTV and Biden-like regime of leftist, globalist King Maha Vajiralongkorn in a series of online posts, NBC News reports on a cancelation almost as bad as when Disney fired that actress from the Star Wars show for her tweets saying Trump fans are treated as poorly as Jews were in The Holocaust. Or when that socialist publisher canceled Josh Hawley’s book contract. Or that brewery canceling that awesome Kyle Rittenhouse event.

Thirakot will be allowed to speak his mind on Truth Social or GETTR. They won’t silence him like the radical Vajiralongkorn cancel mob and he’ll be welcome on those pro-First Amendment platforms when he gets out of prison in 28 years. They’ll be even bigger and better then. Just wait libs.

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’ve unsubtly derided the first world problems suffered by our right wing readers. We hope they enjoyed this “pro-free speech” article.


CONFIRMED: They‘re making your Xbox woke

It’s been confirmed. They are making your Xbox woke. It’s not enough that Microsoft founder Bill Gates put microchips in the COVID vaccines and veggie burgers or that he’s buying up thousands upon thousands of acres of farmland to grow genetically altered crops tended to by human trafficking victims kidnapped by FEMA who are eaten alive by the giant sentient mutant Venus fly traps guarding the perimeter if they try to escape. Now they want to indoctrinate your kids into a “woke” ideology by introducing a power save mode for when you leave your Xbox on pause.


Why aren’t the MSM covering the Antifa attack on Atlanta?

Did you libs know that Atlanta has been occupied by Antifa thugs? It’s all over the real news. The city’s been turned into a war zone and every reputable website and streaming channel on Rumble is covering it while your fake news channels like CNN, MSNBC, and CBS are missing in action. No, nobody’s exaggerating it. This is real. People are fleeing in terror as the leftist anarchists are setting police cars and entire office buildings on fire. We don’t have video yet of the downtown being consumed by flames but the picture of the police car on fire is illustrative enough of the anarchy.

The whole city’s been turned into one of those “autonomous zones” where the Marxist terrorists are probably executing Christians. We would know more but all communication links with the outside world have been severed. Atlanta has been basically wiped off the map. They’re changing the name to Antifalanta. Or Soroslanta. Look libs, this is serious. They’re a threat to national security. The radical leftist scum are going to attack the suburbs next. They want them abolished. We warned you this was going to happen if Trump wasn’t reelected. There was no Antifa when he was president.

This never happened under Trump. The socialist maniacs were too scared of him because he’s a fighter. He fights. Trump was the most Law and Order president ever, which is why Antifa helped steal the election from him and then led the attack on the Capitol to frame his supporters. Entire cities get burned to the ground when you have fraudulent elections. You libs were warned and now your disgraceful hate-filled fake news networks are covering it up by ignoring an Antifa attack. Sad!

National Zero will resume our regular news coverage now that we’ve thrown our right wing readers some “fair and balanced” reporting on Atlanta. We hope they enjoyed this Antifa fear porn.


See libs? Biden took classified documents too! See?

See libs? CBS News reports that Biden’s lawyers found 10 classified documents from when he was Vice President at his think tank that accidentally got sent there when he left office in 2017. Even though the documents found at the Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in DC were immediately handed over to the Justice Department it’s the same thing as what Trump did.

No, Biden forgot to declassify them by thinking about it, so it’s not the same thing. Biden broke the law. He didn’t assert ex-executive privilege over them. It’s not the same thing. It’s worse than what Trump did. This isn’t just a document storage dispute. This is worse. No wait, it’s way worse because Biden wasn’t keeping them safe at a place like Mar-a-Lago. He had them at some think tank, which is not what it sounds like. First off, it’s not a “tank.” It’s not made out of reinforced steel and doesn’t have a cannon. Second off, just because it says “think” doesn’t mean that documents are automatically declassified when they go inside. Biden himself has to think it. He didn’t.

National Zero will resume our regular coverage now that we’re done writing what our right wing readers already “thinking” about this report. We hope they enjoyed this “See libs?” article.


Libs got so fucking owned on Tuesday

LMAO ROFL Libs! LOL! You socialist sky screamers got so owned on Tuesday! The MAGA Party put on a masterclass in absolute beatdowns of your pro-groomer agenda! Your tears over that thug Hakeem Jeffries losing the Speakership vote were so delicious, America First patriots cannot wait for a second serving on Wednesday. Make them extra salty this time LOL! It must’ve been especially triggering to see George Santos sitting there proudly voting against that libtard Jeffries even after all the lies and hatred from the leftist media failed to derail Santos’ career.

Make sure your cry closets have extra blankies in them for what’s going to happen in a few hours when Jeffries loses again. Cuddle your dickless gender-confused Mr Potato Heads extra close as the emotional pain of your hero’s crushing defeat plays out on live television. Just imagine the sheer terror Hunter Biden is feeling right now, knowing that accountability is coming for him and his evil dad for pledging allegiance to China. There’s no vaccine against Congressional subpoenas. If there were it would probably be another lethal clot shot. Hunter probably wishes he was dead anyway after Hakeem Jeffries lost the Speakership election and is going to lose again! LOL!

Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019

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